Modern Medical Doctor Compare

MODERN -----------------------------------------------------

Modern Medical Doctor Compare 

August 2, 2023


Comparison's to Dr Nicolas R Bennett 

Particle Physicist + Medical Doctor - Researcher in the area of Science & Medicine 2011-2014 / 2023 active portfolio after research 2003-2011. Neurological Brain Sciences Expert 

Very detailed & van be sped in aggression versus relaxed & slow as a happy medium in processing speed biologically - mind work 

MIT - Open Courseware Physics Archives

Accumulative MD + Business & Industry spec cross career credential mix with portfolio 11-25 hours Meta: Favebook & nlogget page description of H.I.3 


Living ---------------------------------------------------------

PhD + comparison 

Knowledge - skill - ability - style

Education dessertation + portfolio 

Place of residency

Medical Doctor


Pharmaceutical knowledge - medicine

Body knowledge - physical, social-vocal & psychological

Role of different nurses & personal support worker teams then counselors + support staff & administration  

Years active: research has + research has or clinic & hospital or & emergency + mobile 

Memory retention on 4 year undergrad, masters equivalent then PhD stream of own work plus research & law, legal cases + ethics & credibility & back up of sources for personal & legal security of self & studies or subject patients 

Research style + access & ability 

Muscles + internal organs - function & restrictions the disease, conditions, infection & treatment styles from past & present experience, treatment style & staffed changes

Circulatory system - blood, blood flow, nerves, ligaments, joints, cartilage & connecting synapses from conscious control thought - imagination & memory based in memory state to physical movement & air based vocal sound - through muscle use 


Text book + trending industry global modern standards, tests-trials & outcomes + review

Surgery list of familiarity plus basic to mid level & advanced knowledge on styles & forms list in virwing start to finish then as to licenced & approved to perform 

Wound care plus pain management 

Healing forms & dieting 

Skin care - infection avoidance & medication against diet & substance interactions in a balance or positive or negative reactor physically, emotionally, energy & socially 


Specialization in hospital biological treatment 

Sociology - psychology - anthropology 


Race, culture, gender, sexuality & gender expression + equality 

Religious + belief mixed into sciences or atheism


Drawing blood 


Full physical standardized examinations 

Advanced examinations 

Physical & hearing tests + vision

Allergies + vaccination review & administration

Ability to offer resource based referrals upon inspection & partial diagnosis

Advanced psychiatric awareness in communication - understanding body language, gestures & social responses analysis of behaviours, habits, routines & life cycle of experience's plus daily life socially, physically & financially

Safe understanding of needles & bio-hazard waste disposal & materials + use to void air bubbles & any reaction 

Safe guards to avoid infection or disease in treating a patient from any concern 


Professional social style & adaptability - plus ability for different ages & types of people 

Private life style separately from career professional 

Ability to assemble & or work with team under & assist other teams legally with standardized education - credentials to practice 


Deceased -----------------------------------------------------

PhD + comparison 

Knowledge - skill - ability - style

Education dessertation + portfolio 

Place of residency

Medical Doctor


Pharmaceutical knowledge - medicine

Body knowledge - physical, social-vocal & psychological

Role of different nurses & personal support worker teams then counselors + support staff & administration  

Years active: research has + research has or clinic & hospital or & emergency + mobile

Memory retention on 4 year undergrad, masters equivalent then PhD stream of own work plus research & law, legal cases + ethics & credibility & back up of sources for personal & legal security of self & studies or subject patients 

Research style + access & ability

Muscles + internal organs - function & restrictions the disease, conditions, infection & treatment styles from past & present experience, treatment style & staffed changes

Circulatory system - blood, blood flow, nerves, ligaments, joints, cartilage & connecting synapses from conscious control thought - imagination & memory based in memory state to physical movement & air based vocal sound - through muscle use 


Text book + trending industry global modern standards, tests-trials & outcomes + review

Surgery list of familiarity plus basic to mid level & advanced knowledge on styles & forms list in virwing start to finish then as to licenced & approved to perform 

Wound care plus pain management 

Healing forms & dieting 

Skin care - infection avoidance & medication against diet & substance interactions in a balance or positive or negative reactor physically, emotionally, energy & socially


Specialization in hospital biological treatment 

Sociology - psychology - anthropology


Race, culture, gender, sexuality & gender expression + equality 

Religious + belief mixed into sciences or atheism


Drawing blood 


Full physical standardized examinations 

Advanced examinations 

Physical & hearing tests + vision

Allergies + vaccination review & administration 

Ability to offer resource based referrals upon inspection & partial diagnosis 

Advanced psychiatric awareness in communication - understanding body language, gestures & social responses analysis of behaviours, habits, routines & life cycle of experience's plus daily life socially, physically & financially

Safe understanding of needles & bio-hazard waste disposal & materials + use to void air bubbles & any reaction 

Safe guards to avoid infection or disease in treating a patient from any concern


Professional social style & adaptability - plus ability for different ages & types of people 

Private life style separately from career professional 

Ability to assemble & or work with team under & assist other teams legally with standardized education - credentials to practice 

DIET + LIQUID + AIR INJESTION ------------------

Diet-nutrition + exercise & metabolic control of body size-stature & muscle-fat mass

Intake on effect of vitamins & mineral balance from raw, cooked & processed foot plus protein then how carbohydrates are processed into different forms of sugars 

Injuries - healing then surgical intervention 

Infection control 

Disease treatment & control

Dental monitoring & controlling 




Communication ability & style options 

Reaction & response 


Lived alongside different walks of life 

Hospitalized psychiatric cases 

Homeless & shelter of different backgrounds 

Refugee & asylum seekers of different backgrounds 

Hospital cases - normal & a diverse global variety 

Worked with & alongside different diverse groups in research, lab, clinic, Feild & intelligence + hospital settings then Corporate & cross industry 

Vast legal & global Corporate knowledge 


Basics to advanced minimals  

Biology - Chemistry - Neurological Science - Behavioural Science - Physics - Pain Management - Pharmaceutical - Treatment 

MCAT ----------------------------------------------------------

The Medical College Admission Test is a computer-based standardized examination for prospective medical students in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the Caribbean Islands. It is designed to assess problem solving, critical thinking, written analysis and knowledge of scientific concepts and principles. 

Full exam name: Medical College Admission Test

Language: English

Year started: 1928; 95 years ago

Purpose: Admissions to medical colleges

Acronym: MCAT

Countries / regions: Mainly United States and Canada, in addition to 19 other countries

Developer / administrator: Association of American Medical Colleges

MD - BAR EXAMS ----------------------------------------

Medical Doctorate Licencing Bar Examinations 

PRE-MED + PHD PORTFOLIO -----------------------

Development of & retention with back up of labs, course works, lectures, research & projects then field work & hours under teams + review 

Molecular structures, dNA & half life on... plus chemical reactions based on stress levels biological controlled or natural 

Cellular control & growth plus genome, conscious psyche (sense if self awake state & sub-conscious sleep state) 

Neurological technology included 

Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov + connected teams 

CAREER PORTFOLIO -----------------------------------

Development of industry spec portfolio of works with credentials 

Corporate & public plus private clearance levels + disclosure allowances public & private 

Public & private Field work + research 

DOCUMENTARY - NEWS ------------------------------

A lot of people & writers inspired Hollywood, media & Government plus the masses & generations 

Dr Nicolas R Bennett has. Does. Doesn't stop 90's-23. 11-25 hours Meta: Facebook & blogger pages raw & professional description of H.I.3


Justin Trudeau + Boxer + Debater Wild Child 

Age 18


Harvard + 2 Dork

Dairy Queen

YouTube + Gates search


Rothschild - Bennett 


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