Havana Syndrome - H.I.3


August 1, 2023 

Montreal based merger early 2000's Neuro-Tech 5 Eyes Intelligence decision

The advanced mind - brain research defence program out of research was established to combat traditional & modern wireless neurological - technology enslavement & unethical, inhumane human experimentation & ownership wirelessly on animals, insects & mammals 

Freedom of Information Laws. Global Law & Rights, Privacy & Freedoms

Declassified Havana Syndrome causing neurological technologies + software & all practices associated with globally lifted non-dislcosures & gag orders

10 variations of 25 known on earth are declassified publicly in detail globally since 2016

It is safe to discuss 5 Eyes Intelligence, Cypress International Biotechnology & as to what Quality of Life is

The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence



Your welcome to discuss Canadian based or affected Canadian Havana Syndrome cases any time pertaining to efforts affecting Canadians over the neurological technology variations used & how it is traced plus all offline, online, mobile & telephone channels

It is of no harm to any country or citizen on earth to read & learn being aware I'd these cases & the technology used as described in the 11-25 hours + blogger pages description of H.I.3

This is about human rights & privacy plus the right to retain & maintain our birth right control over our bodies for ourselves head to toe vocally, physically & psychologically-mentally

The United States Government & all global Governments cannot suppress or downplay & discredit the findings, recorded evidence & traced correspondence accurate to user & real people identified


Any hospital, Government or private location caught ioerating as a single or combined party as a neurological Brian technology lab has to be traced, investigated & intervened on legally using Cypress International Biotechnology policies, practices & standards with laws expressed in the 11-25 hours & blogger pages description of H.I.3 now in 2023 even if there is a standardized Brain Initiative to ensure dangerous groups within or outside of Government are not abusing technologies or living beings rights for their own private interests at their expense & or using their bodies as as tool disregarding their conscious existence to lock-in the consciousness using them as drone robot tool for one or more persons or groups interest in secret while maintaining a public status quo with covers or layered covers to hide the use of the wireless technology on the body stating the body is not hooked up & connected when it is expecting to claim a health condition even if there is nothing of that nature in the equation 

DOCUMENTARIES - NEWS ---------------------------

Electrified Cement



Rothschild - Bennett


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