Global Riots - H.I.3


Global Riots - H.I.3 - August 4, 2023


The media based motivator - explanation crafted for public & expected  

The real reason & motivator including H.I.3

Global Riots & Events 1990's-2023


The global control of the Russian rocket cock

Russian Borders & Airspace. Soviet modern Separatists & Nato Modern Europe 

KGB & Ant no Soviet separatist re-estsblishment happening for oh, fu*k me Mother Russia, oh

Fu*k me Vladimir... reality

I am not taking sides. Just aware 

- Dr Nicolas R Bennett

Vladimir Putin, who is 168cm, which is 5ft 5in. He reportedly weighs 70kg


The two countries & continent will enslave North America & the planet traditionally & modern wirelessly using neurological technology & through covert efforts using North American & European + a diverse group of citizens while maintaining a public status quo for power, financial gain & to covertly express total control

They will take over all organizations, Corporations, companies, media, influence & Governments while focusing with underworld separatists using them as a tool for further gain in legal & illegal trade

This creates a decide between areas of Government & Private Sector for + against as it is now in 2023 on a smaller & larger scale 

Give them an inch & the least suspected will play a part while the stereotypical will fall as they ate caught even while working with legal interests yet third parties are often used & bled with layered covers - those responsible, those used & drafted while those operating in a secret agenda walk as scape goats fall by force drafted as pawns falling versus those paid risking 

Modern global Government risk & private sector push & pull between main & connecting private groups & societies including global market finance & trade control 

In plain sight those pulling strings could be an Asian or Russian or even African interest yet you see the European pawn & do not suspect they are operating for in secret by choice or force from those in different walks of life at the bottom poor to rich or between 

India & Pakistan = no difference

Trusting people & groups us a concern over threats & safety for anyone globally in all communities & walks of life including nomadic travelling workers or tourists 

I am not so easily trusting. I like safety 

- Dr Nicolas R Bennett 


Rothschild - Bennett 


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