
Showing posts from July, 2023

Anti-North American

PERSPECTIVE 1980'S-2023 Anti-North American  --------------------------------------------------------------------

Life in EU - Dr Nicolas R Bennett

EUROPEAN UNION -------------------------------------- Life in EU - Dr Nicolas R Bennett  -------------------------------------------------------------------- SPY CREEP FU*K FORD. YES OR NO? Douglas Ford caught operating at the one Ontario lab with people in the Ontario Government involved in the brutal barbaric rape-torture-terror case involving leaking information out of Dr Sydney Bennett's head People in the Government Government expected to dictate Dr Sydney Bennett alongside those operating at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs  We are prepared with MSP & Murder City Gang to execute Premier Douglas Ford''s entire family, extended family & those connected plus those operating in or with the Government of Ontario past - present 1980's-2023  Douglas Ford can agree to back down or we will be hitting the Province of Ontario using multiple internal Canadian groups & international groups in response & retaliation  We are exposing the Government o

Request to Justin Trudeau

H.I.3 RESOLUTION - JULY 31, 2023 Request to Justin Trudeau  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Could the elected Prime Minister or someone connected assist between their busy schedule in cargo flight moving a few Neuro-Tech devices please? As people privately outside of their busy public life careers  It's just some brain research equipment from some experients that went to far in the wrong direction. Nothing to crazy  REQUEST FROM DR SYDNEY BENNETT -------- Could some inquire please. I, Dr Nicolas R Bennett understand busy schedules & concerns over the situation as I had daily netween 1990's-2023 We feel the devices should be unmanned & stored in a military grade vault on our own private property under Cypress International Biotechnology polices, standards & international law  The costs will be covered through CIG & private interests  Prime Minister Elect - Justin Trudeau ---------- Parliament of Canada

Minor "Age" Harassment

H.I.3 REVIEW COMPARISONS  Underage minor ages 0-17 Harassment Cases July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The one Ontario lab wirelessly harassing & raping, assaulting, torturing & terrorizing Dr Sydney Bennett while under age of 18 Regardless of where body is from the one Ontario lab with those operating there & those connecting  Regardless of what the body was doing from the one Ontario lab with those operating there & those connecting  ALL ACTIVITIES 24/7  ---------------------------------- All ground, water, air travel & activities 1985-2004 Each option alone & any hotel stays comped or not & or included in itinerary then taxi travel are a liability & individual separate lawsuit per travel option! 2002-2023 Personal & workplace vehicles are an entirely separate case within the H.I.3 Case pertaining to Dr Sydney Bennett including workplace compensation & further damages through different responsible

Residential Harassment

H.I.3 REVIEW COMPARISONS  Residential Harassment Cases July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The one Ontario lab wirelessly harassing & raping, assaulting, torturing & terrorizing Dr Sydney Bennett or worss while at personal, family or connected private residences  On the way to said residential option  At residential option  Around residential option   On the way out of the such option!  GEOGRAPHIC ---------------------------------------------- Canada USA  Internationally 2002-2023 Personal & workplace vehicles are an entirely separate case within the H.I.3 Case pertaining to Dr Sydney Bennett including workplace compensation & further damages through different responsible parties  -------------------------------------------------------------------- AIRLINE HARASSMENT CASE $2 + Million USD lawsuit Dr Sydney

Tour Bus + Travel Harassment Cases

H.I.3 REVIEW COMPARISONS  Tour Bus + Travel Harassment Cases July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The one Ontario lab wirelessly harassing & raping, assaulting, torturing & terrorizing Dr Sydney Bennett while on buses or in taxi & shuttles  On the way to said transportation option  At transport option  In transportation option  Transferring between   On the way out of the such option!  BUS - CONSIDERED -------------------------------------- Carriers Private + Charter Greyhound  Ontario Northland  Golden Arrow Bus - Also worked at Driver Guide PWT Pacific Western Transportation. Ebus, Diversified & Southland or other  - Also worked at Driver Guide Pursuit Collection - Brewster Inc - Also worked at Driver Guide  Uber Multiple Taxi Each option alone & any hotel stays comped or not & or included in itinerary then taxi travel are a liability & individual separate lawsuit per travel option! 2002-2023 Personal & wor

Airline Harassment Cases

H.I.3 REVIEW COMPARISONS  Airline Harassment Cases July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The one Ontario lab wirelessly harassing & raping, assaulting, torturing & terrorizing Dr Sydney Bennett while on flights  On the way to airports  At airports On flights Transferring airports  On the way out of the airport  FLIGHTS - CONSIDERED ------------------------------ Carriers Private + Charter West Jet  Air Canada  Flare + Lynx Transat American Airlines United Airlines Canadian - Canadian to USA, USA & USA to Canada  International  Each flight alone & any hotel stays comped or not & or included in itinerary then taxi travel are a liability & individual separate lawsuit per flight! 2002-2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- AIRLINE HARASSMENT CASE $2 + Million USD lawsuit

Blow Movie Cast. Died

BLOW MOVIE CAST ------------------------------------- Dying off... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ted, Rob & Paul. Dropped dead. Died Nice things are nice Roddy. You know. I'm locked down again. The bastards have me again but I'll spring back bigger than before this round. The chase + money, power & fame Blow Trailer + H.I.3 Case reference WATCH A MOVIE. LISTEN TO A SONG Are you a bad person? Has your personality & life cycle changed? Are your interests changing? Are you evil? Can you feel? Do you have morals or a conscience. Oh faint! "If yu enjoy a variety of content & earth's history yet live a lifew very differect from this does not mean anything yet some people would & will try to use it as an interest against you in comparison to themselves & others hitting at yo

Request to Justin Trudeau

H.I.3 RESOLUTION - JULY 31, 2023 Request to Justin Trudeau  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Could the elected Prime Minister or someone connected assist between their busy schedule in cargo flight moving a few Neuro-Tech devices please? As people privately outside of their busy public life careers  It's just some brain research equipment from some experients that went to far in the wrong direction. Nothing to crazy  REQUEST FROM DR SYDNEY BENNETT -------- Could some inquire please. I, Dr Nicolas R Bennett understand busy schedules & concerns over the situation as I had daily netween 1990's-2023 We feel the devices should be unmanned & stored in a military grade vault on our own private property under Cypress International Biotechnology polices, standards & international law  The costs will be covered through CIG & private interests  Prime Minister Elect - Justin Trudeau ---------- Parliament of Canada

Who is Dr Sydney Bennett?

A CONTROLLED LIVE NUT --------------------------- Who is Dr Sydney Bennett. July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A North American movie character compare Lisa Rowe + Girl Interupted & a mix intertwined = the high profile celebrity  doctor. Known in over 60 countries 90's-23 Dr Sydney Bennett is similar in size - stature & physical appearance to Lisa Rowe. Similar behaviours on average with a mix additive  Seductress or suductive capable in different genders with ability to alter vocal style & social - physical communication styled with vast range in hybrid method acting plus natural personality & applied styles  A gentleman. Hormone grown mustache  A real lady. Attractive. Hormone controlled lady like A hybrid gender blender - A balance  Wrecklessly numb from experiments & life, career, investments & private life daily Lisa Rowe ---------------------------------------------------

Royal - Elite Control of Earth

GLOBAL CONTROL OF EARTH  Royal - Elite Control of Earth ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- July 31, 2023 Global restructure plan to regain control over earth  All continents & financial - economic systems BEVARIAN MASONIC ILLUMINATI --------------- Asia- China, Asia- India, Asia- Sri Lanka, Africa-All counties & Russia with & separate from different terror groups will enslave, conquer & rule everyone & everything covertly or publicly if given the opportunity  Multiple other countries will as well equally or alongside  Traditional & modern neuro-tech wireless enslavement  They will devide & conquer  If they can while maintaining a public status quo using mental health as a cover they will enslave perfectly normal groups in every population holding them down so they can be at the top creating poor & rich only  WE MUST MAINTAIN A MODERN MID EVIL Utilitarian strong utopia of middle class control by R

2012-2016 H.I.3

RETALIATIVE ATTACKS OVER  2012-2016 H.I.3 Havana International 3+ July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- UKRAINE + COVID 19 MSP Devided Ukraine The entire Ukraine conflict began due to different factors leading up including the H.I.3 Case which brought upon Sars, H.1.N.1 & Covid 19 in counter attacks amongst others  MSP is operating in multiple countries globally & is responsible for different efforts while groups like Wagner & ISIS-ISIL operated separately outside  -------------------------------------------------------------------- TALIBAN + AL QAEDA The Taliban Government not Al Qaeda operated separately from MSP as an independent group like others in multiple countries versus those connected  -------------------------------------------------------------------- AL QAEDA Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri was an Egyptian-born terrorist and physician who served as the second emir of al-Qaeda from June 16, 2011, until his death on J

MSP Occupation - H.I.3

FINANCIAL OCCUPATION - CONTROL   MSP Occupation - H.I.3 July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENT PUBLIC  - Accounts - Resources + programs - Properties & assets  - Infrastructure  BANKING  Global banking  - Personal accounts - Business accounts - Government public accounts  PROPERTIES  Properties - land  - Residential real estate - Commercial real estate  - Vacant land BUSINESS  - Corporations - Companies - Brands - Organizations  DOMESTIC TRADE & ECONOMY  - All economic activity in new & used market or barter & free or free with advertising offline & online product + services  Private & public market trade  INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMY  - All economic activity in new & used market or barter & free or free with advertising offline & online product + services  Private & public market trade  -------------------------------------------------------------------- MSP & MURDER CITY GANG CONTR

MSP - August 1, 2023

GLOBAL COUNTER ATTACKS ----------------------- MSP - August 1, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern Separatist. As a group MSP will be operating effectively to execute every target involved in the three clusters of Ontario labs attacks & multiple other areas of global conflict in response & retaliation  MSP is formed to respond rather than to instigate or take over  Those that carry out attacks against MSP interests will loose control to the operating groups assembled within MSP -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- TAKE OVER OF CANADA COVERTLY ------------ Government of Canada  Political Parties  Leaders - Federal & Federal Government  Provincial Leaders  Cities & Towns or Municiple   POLICING - MILITARY - NAVAL - AIRFORCE -- All areas of public services & protection including offline & online intelligence  CSIS + CSEC

Canada + MSP Global

CANADA ------------------------------------------------------ Canada as a country is devided & under attack Modern Separtist Group M.S.P Members do not declare publicly. Affliction with secondary groups & connecting in secret  Canadian group operating in retaliation over multiple efforts including H.I.3 Multiple international groups banding with MURDERED OUT IN BLOOD RITUALS ----------- M.S.P is a global counter terror terrorist underworld organization. White, British, Spanish based screened specifics  The underworld members can respect those with a public status quo as equals. Risks taken & respect each other's differences & similarities in a larger goals here. Blood & dollars + control for our families    Widows + Angels included with other groups amongst Corporate, Government operatives on the inside & families working together in secret through main representatives as to not frighten between connecting groups in this highly trained blood slaughter    Nig


OPERATING GROUPS ----------------------------- July 31, 2023 ------------------------------------------ M.S.P Modern Separatist Group ------------- Decide & conquer separatist control group operating as a shadow global group in each continent & country Dangerous ruthless underworld groups connecting with those in organizations, Corporations - companies - brands, areas of Government, trade & banking + global trade imports & exports operating in an advanced way  Designed to operate covertly in secret while maintaining a public status quo  Control over population numbers & all countries on earth with from the inside out & trade  Murder City Gang ------------------------------------ Legal & underworld group operating together against groups & neuro-tech labs revoking rights, privacy & control over bodies specifically Public & covert private shadow presence in organizations, Corporations - companies - brands, areas of Government, trade & banking +